Little Happiness

Openses - Happiness

Little Happiness

 “There is magic in every beginning” (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe). Nassrudin (Nassredin) Hodscha calls the magic “wonderment.” So what is it, the moment of miraculous enchantment, the pause? And what have Goethe and the whimsical Nassrudin lost in the everyday business life of the “New Normal”?

I do not know. And: precisely because of this I am curious about possible solutions and twists – and the new big picture of our lives. Is that why I am already “agile”?

 How many perspectives does a meta-position offer? What can the many others add to our expertise? How many possibilities can be seen in the big picture? How much serenity does it take to recognize these as further solutions and how much strength to accept and implement them?

Were you counting as you read? The many “much(s)” that open up when we no longer remain in the pattern of “need to know”?!

Strictly speaking, I offered you the core themes of agility

– Not knowing and trusting
– Dialogue and then interdisciplinarity is a great extension of perception,
– Changing perspectives and relating them to the system – thinking outside the box – and then
– To be happy about the successful, small step, draw strength from it and make a next step.

Yes, you say. I know, you say.

Of course. And then: does this knowledge change your attitude, your behavior? How do we recognize the transformation, the change.

What illusion?!

Different levels cause different consequences and emotions

  1. we may give up the illusion of control, the longing to have everything under control and the last “illusion” of power over the system.
  2. we allow ourselves to trust in ourselves and then in the people who contribute to our visions, goals.
  3. only then do we open ourselves to the impressions and additions that reach us from outside. We marvel at the possibilities that we ourselves never considered. For years, I have been observing esteemed people who systematically do everything differently than I would, and: they manage it – often easier and more relaxed than I do.
    I’m learning. Just as long I focus on my “customers”, internally and externally. Their concerns provide impulses and open up my perspectives. Thank you for that.
  1. we are flexible and not dependent on rigid structures and certain experts/team members. Iterative steps bring necessary flexibility.
  2. we draw breath and recognize the small successes along the way. Serendipity. The small happiness.

Finally: the small daily happiness.

This happiness belongs to us individually or, within the organization, jointly aligned and experienced according to values. The prerequisite for this is the serenity to stay with oneself and to be attentive to the small coincidences, progresses and sections that happily open up for us.

How do you create the small moments of happiness for yourself? We, Barbara and Michel, are curious to learn from you. Write us, call us and expand your happiness moment by sharing.

Until then: stay healthy, curious and open! To imagine the better you don’t have to know the good (following Steve de Shazer).

Yours Barbara & Michel



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