Operational reality is what counts, not glossy theory.
We improve your outcome.

Consulting and Facilitation

Volatile and unpredictable times need partners whom you trust, partners who convey security and transparency. You can rely on our experts in steering agile, systemic and multicultural developments.

Time needs structure

Are you questioning whether the current hierarchies fit in the flexible working style, the new processes and collaborative networks?

Do you manage your company and team in a contemporary way?  Are your teams trustfully working within the new structures?  Are you a team? Is the focus of a common alignment on the customer? Do you communicate clear end efficient?

We accompany the transformation precisely and with great effect – both in processes, in merger or dissolution of units.

Consulting and Facilitation -- Toccaverde | your development in business

Systematic loops

Our approach finds its fundament in a systematic loop, whereby subsequent steps are worked through:

  • situation as-is data collection
  • situation as-is analysis and problem statement(s)
  • solution (alternatives) development
  • support our client towards a balance decision and roadmap
  • support our client with implementation in the field
  • install metrics and a subsequent cadence of evaluation and action loops


With our services, Toccaverde provides you the required specific experience and assures that you are properly resourced for your projects, saving your time related to the development of a concept and the costs of training courses for your staff.

Toccaverde provides consulting services to small companies up to multinationals, regardless of your industry sector.

We operate from our offices in The Netherlands, Italy and Brazil and may service you in the languages Portuguese, French, Spanish, English, German and Dutch.

Prefered clients and partners

pt_BRPortuguês do Brasil